This is for those of you who are reading along with the podcast. I can’t decide if you’re going to get tired of me saying ‘Congratulations for finishing another chapter!’ or if you need every bit of encouragement and will never weary of hearing that big ‘Congrats!’ I’m going to err on the side of the latter. Being disciplined about abiding in the Word everyday is a big deal!
I had the joy of visiting with my friend, Roger, a few days ago when we were both at the church doing business for our individual ministries. First, I cannot tell you what a huge encouragement this man has been to me. He listens to the podcast and tells his friends and writes me long texts when the Spirit inspires him. He is Proverbs 25:11 personified: A word spoken at the right time is like gold apples in silver settings.
Anyway, Roger and I were talking about how important it is to be in the Word every day and agreed that it was the baseline for our walk with Christ. We cannot know God without being in His Word. If we aren’t reading it for ourselves and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to us through and about Scripture, we are only regurgitating what we’ve heard and what seems right in our own minds. And we know that’s a recipe for disaster. Proverbs 21:2 says, All a person’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs hearts.
I never get tired of hearing how God is working in your life as you read through His Word on your own. Tell me more at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. And congratulations for finishing another book in the New Testament!
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