Watching the snow fall is mesmerizing. There is a stillness, a peace that is different than anything else in God’s creation. It tends to make me introspective but there wasn’t much room for that on the all-girl getaway to see my Uncle Alex in Great Falls, Montana.
I think we may have overwhelmed him a little. He’s used to living alone with the cat. Then we show up all talking at once. I’m surprised he didn’t develop a twitch.
This was a different sort of trip. Ordinarily, Alex is the self-appointed tour guide and entertainment coordinator. However, the unseasonably large snow-dump allowed us to only go out a few times. The rest of the time we cooked at home and talked and reminisced. It was one of those visits that we look back on and say, “I’m sure glad we got to do that.”
Two great joys for me was making the trip with my sister, Linda Kay, and my oldest daughter, Wendy. My sister doesn’t travel a huge amount and I love being with her when she does. There is wonder and appreciation and she inspires gratitude in me.
The icing on the cake was having Wendy with us. Ordinarily she would be busy working but the shake-up of Covid on business opened a window that allowed her to hop that last-minute plane. She hadn’t seen my uncle for years and it was good for them to re-connect.
Have you got any visits on the books? Let me know if you’re starting to step out at Lifting Her, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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