The theme for Lake Don Pedro Baptist Church this year is Blessed are the Peacemakers. The theme verse is Matthew 5:9, and it certainly seems an appropriate time in world history to be reminded of this beatitude.
As I listened to the podcast and read Genesis 25 and 26 this morning, it occurred to me that Isaac, like his father Abraham, was a peacemaker. Did you see it too?
Even today, when you mess with someone’s water, you threaten their very existence. We all depend on it for life. That was especially true in Isaac’s time. An entire flock or herd could be devastated without a working well. And the in this story, the Philistines were messing with Isaac, his herdsmen, and the wells his father his father had dug.
This could very easily have led to a war. But what did Isaac do? He just dug other wells. He chose the higher road. Isaac didn’t demand his rights; he didn’t draw a line in the sand. He just dug other wells.
Abraham demonstrated the same kind of peace-making in Genesis chapter 13, when he allowed Lot to choose which way he wanted to go. Abraham had age and stature over Lot, but he gave up that right in order to maintain peace.
We can all learn from Isaac and Abraham. It’s not always easy, but it’s Jesus’ way.
While I’m commenting on the reading in today’s podcast, let me say that the birthright in God’s economy – that is order – is a big deal. The first-born son was chief and priest of the family. He also received a double portion of his father’s estate. Esau just blew off this important distinction for the sake of some stew. It was obvious that he just did not hold in esteem the same things God did.
Don’t forget that Jesus was God’s first-born Son and He too received that birthright. He is the head of our Christian family and He has received a double-portion of His Father’s inheritance. An inheritance that He graciously shares with those of us who have called on His name. I hope that includes you.
Don’t forget to share your thoughts and impressions with me in the comments below, and on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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