I received an email this week from The Bible Project and I was excited to share it with you. It introduced a new series called Bible Basics. Cool! I was all ready to dig in cuz we all like to go back-to-basics, right? I clicked the link and it took me, not to their website, but to YouTube. And there wasn’t one video but three! I asked myself, “Did I blink?” How did they get three videos done without my being notified?
Then, at closer examination, each of the videos is only about a minute long. What? But it was true. Each video is this quick dunk into three different mini-subjects…a small dose that can be consumed on the run. I love it!
You’ll get one minute of the History of Bible Translations, another minute on Choosing a Bible Translation, and a special minute called Who is Jesus? Excellent question! I’ll put the link in the Show Notes of this episode but in case you don’t have access to that for whatever reason, you can go to YouTube and in the search bar type The Bible Project Bible Basics. I did that and located all three of the videos.
Gosh, I hope they do more of these. Commit to the whole three minutes and tell me what you think at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Oh, and by the way…did I say Congratulations? You know why, right? That’s correct! You’re finishing another book today. Look at you go!
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