It occurs to me that I really need to re-do the intro of the podcast! People can’t read and drive.
As we begin to venture out and are called back to work, our Bible reading may not be done while curled up in our favorite chair! It may very well be done – at least on some days – while rush-hour traffic brings us to a halt on our morning commute. And coffee or tea may be in a travel mug instead of cup your kid gave to you that says, “Best Mom in the World”.
Do me a favor and just listen to me read on those days…don’t try to follow along in your Bible or takes notes.
Remember our podcast verses in Isaiah 55: the Word that God sends out will not return to Him empty or without accomplishing His purpose. Whether you read, read and listen, or just listen, you will still know God better, you will still be prepared to share something you learned, and you will be equipped to encourage someone who needs it…it’s all good.
Let me know if you’ve gone back to work or if you’re still sheltering at home.
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