This letter to the Galatians is a tight little, easily understood letter. While listening on the podcast and reading along, what stood out to you? What spoke to you? And if you’re willing to share, how did the Holy Spirit convict your heart? Do you know all nine fruits of the Holy Spirit by heart?
Well, I do know them by heart, but that doesn’t mean that I always give sway to the work the Holy Spirit wants to do in me. I struggle daily with self-control. I want to do what I want to do is the long and the short of it. Most times, the struggle shows up in outbursts of anger and my gluttony at the dinner table. There… I shared it.
Not only here in Galatians, but James also tells us to bear one another’s burdens, but the flip side to that is that we have to confess them so that a trusted brother or sister can come alongside and share that burden. I know, we need to exercise discernment… not everyone needs to know everything. But God has called certain people in your life to walk this journey with you. Use them… for accountability and to pray for you. Allow them to share your load. And then love them back.
As always, if you’re willing to share, I would love to hear your stories. You can tell them publicly or privately at Lifting Her, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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