Welcome to Ephesians! I so hope you’re listening to the podcast because are really getting some practical teaching from Paul, the Apostle. Ephesians is the letter that Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus, which was the capital in the Roman province of Asia or what we today call Turkey. He wrote this letter from prison in Rome sometime between AD 60-62.
You probably remember reading in about the 18th chapter of Acts about Aquila and Priscilla, the Christian couple who brought the Gospel to Ephesus. And that’s where they met and re-directed Apollos too.
Most everyone splits this letter the same way. The first three chapters are theological and emphasize New Testament doctrine. The last three chapters are very practical and focus on Christian behavior. This was another book that surprised me by reading it out loud to you. I found it extremely powerful. So much so, that I had to stop and pray that God would help me read it well and with proper emphasis so that you would benefit. I can tell you, I benefitted as well. (I don’t know what it is about reading Scripture out loud…) You may want to read each chapter a couple of times, or listen again as you drive, just to absorb it.
The Mystery
This is an encouraging letter, wherein Paul reminds believers of their incredible blessings in Christ. But it also admonishes us to not only be grateful for those blessings, but that we endeavor to live in a manner worthy of them.
The book ends by describing the full spiritual armor of God. Finally, don’t miss his discussion of the mystery. He explains so much of how the Jews are indeed the chosen of God, but the mystery revealed in Christ is that Gentiles are, as chapter 3, verse 6 tells us, coheirs, members of the same body, and partners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
So, at that revelation, let’s get going! Please join us in reading God’s Word every day. You can find The Lifting Her Voice Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. All the directories are listed on the Home page at Lifting Her Voice. Don’t forget to share your thoughts along the way at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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