Hello, 2021! And Happy New Year to All!
I just needed to check in and talk about a few things you encountered on your very first Old Testament reading. Here are just some staccato thoughts from the book of Genesis…
“Let us make man…” Our first hint at our triune God. Yes, the Son and the Spirit were there. Remember, only one God but in the form of three persons. I know you’ve all heard this (and I know my pastor would roll his eyes), but the only way my finite mind can wrap my head around the Trinity, is to think how I am one person with three very different rolls – Me, Wife, Mother.
This hit me clearly one day about twenty years ago. I was an Operations Manager managing over 100 Teamsters and it required that I be something of a ruthless, corporate…well, you know. Mitch came one day to help change some wiring. He walked into my office and bam! So much for being in the lead role! I immediately became that more subservient part of myself. The helpmate, if you will. I was the same person, but in a totally different role.
Next, I don’t want you to miss that God shed blood to cover the sin of Adam and Eve. Animals had to be sacrificed to make clothing from skins. This is one of our first pointers toward the sacrifice that Jesus made to cover our sins.
Remember, when you’re reading the Old Testament, always be looking for Jesus and God’s redemptive story.
These are just some of my thoughts. I would love to read your impressions and discoveries too! Don’t forget to comment below at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
And we’re off on a great adventure! Thanks, Joy! I really am looking forward to the next 364 days!!!
You read the blog! Thank you, Laura! And thank you telling so many people about the podcast. We have planted and watered and I pray that God will see fit to grow! Okay…back the soundbooth. I wanna see how many chapters I can get recorded today. Pray for me!