Have you ever been absolutely thrilled for someone you love, while knowing that you face a loss in light of their good fortune? I’m happy-sad like that today.
July 5, 1994, marked my first day on the job as Operations Manager, at a transportation company in Merced, CA, where we lived. It was also Barry’s first day. He was hired as the Controller and we became fast friends. I guess those of us who only have sisters are at least mildly curious what it’s like to have a brother. I found out when Barry came into my life. In time, Mitch and I met his wife, Sherri, and suffice it to say, the four of us have done life together ever since.
Our children were young. Heck, I remember the day their youngest was born. We have camped together, moved each other innumerable times, and walked through the joys and heartbreaks of raising kids. We have shared the sorrow of burying parents and a child. Thankfully, our kids are all grown now and doing well, so we even share in the relief of that.
New Chapter
This past week, we watched as they closed the door on the U-Haul truck for the last time. By the time you read this, they will be settling into their retirement home in the woods outside a small community in Montana. They’ve been prepping for this for years and I couldn’t be happier for them. On the other hand, I have a catch in my throat. I mean, the reasoning part of me, knows this is an exciting new chapter and we will stay close and they are only a plane ride away. But there is another part that is painfully aware of the miles that will separate us. I fear things might change.
I love these two more than I can say. As friends, they are faithful and dependable. As human beings, they are upright and ethical. I am eternally grateful to count them as friends and I wish them the best that God has and pray a blessing on them as they go. I will miss them.
How about you? Can you relate? Are you starting new chapters with someone in your life? Please share with me at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Wow! That little intro put me in tears!
Yes, I have been that one that moved away from a bestie that was like a sister to me in a town we had moved to for 15 years. Beth and I met at church and were part of a larger group of friends. She and I hit it off and our boys were besties. We ended up being teaching partners for over 13 years. I ask for prayers for her as she is at OU Med awaiting a team of doctors to figure out how to treat her for seepage into her abdomen from her bladder that was made MANY years ago at MD Anderson. On an uplifting note, Don, Beth, Beverly, Gary and Gary and I get together whenever we can or the girls get together and it’s like we haven’t been apart a day. It is truly a blessing having such friendships like these.
Oh my goodness, Laura. That’s incredible. The fact that you ended up working together makes your lives that much more intertwined. In this past week, my memories have been in overdrive…so many in the last 26 years. It seems like just yesterday though, doesn’t it? I pray Beth recovers from this malady she is suffering. I’m so happy that you have a friendship like this though. As I grow older, I too realize they are the stuff of a blessed life. Thank you so much for sharing. -Joy