There is something about absolute truth that just gets you where you live. My pastor, Hans Frei, delivered one of those sermons on Sunday. It was one of those “You may not want to hear this…” sermons that takes guts to deliver, but he delivers them anyway because he loves God’s truth. And he cares about our holiness more than he cares about being popular.
I absolutely encourage you to log onto the Lake Don Pedro Baptist Church and go to Hans’ most recent sermon. It’s called, “Uncertain, Uninformed, Unconcerned, Unprepared” and it may be one of the most practical sermons I’ve ever heard on eschatology. That’s our church word for the day that refers to the study of end times.
Something you have to understand about Hans is that he N-E-V-E-R preaches about end times. I can’t even recall his ever having done a study on the book of Revelation in the 17 years I’ve attended this church. His reasoning is simple. He says that we are much better off to pay attention to living well today according to God’s precepts than to spend our time speculating about what we’ll never know until it happens.
No One Knows
I really hated this outlook at first. I mean, who doesn’t like to wonder? But Matthew 24:36 tells us, Now concerning that day and hour no one knows — neither the angels of heaven nor the Son — except the Father alone. And so does Mark 13:32, and Matthew 24:42, and Luke 12:40, and 1 Thessalonians 5:2, and 2 Peter 3:10 and myriad others.
Indeed, we would do well to fulfill the calling of God today and in our everyday. We don’t want Him to find us sleeping. And a good first step to begin that journey is to listen to Hans’ sermon. It really is that good. Let me know what you think at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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