We start a new book today on the podcast! It’s the book of Galatians and it is Paul’s letter to the churches in the area of Galatia or modern-day Turkey. (I hope you kept that Bible map handy!)
As I was reading the introduction to this book in the ESV, I noticed that it sounded a lot like the letters to the Corinthians; primarily the parts where he was warning them to keep those false teachers at bay. In this particular letter though, it wasn’t so much false teachers. It was old Covenant Jews, who insisted that Christians must be circumcised in order to be accepted by God.
Galatians begins with Paul having to defend his apostleship (sound familiar?). Then he goes on to explain what they already know: that salvation comes through Christ alone.
At first glance, the tone of this letter feels a little like that of the letters to the Corinthians. So, I had to chase a rabbit. I started wondering when Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians and whether is was close to the time he wrote to the church at Corinth. I found a great Paul Timeline on Blue Letter Bible.com and guess what? Galatians was the first letter Paul wrote! I found this timeline to be really helpful. Take a look at it the next you’re waiting in line or enjoying an afternoon pick-me-up of iced tea. Let me know your impressions in the comments below or at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Speeding By
As I said before, the New Testament is going to start speeding by. It’s a hopscotch from one small letter to another until we get to Hebrews. Then we’ll do a little more hopping and finally take a long slide into home when we end with the Book of Revelation. So, put on your thinking cap and your tennis shoes ‘cuz you don’t want to miss a thing!
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