Okay, did your eyes start to cross yesterday while reading Acts 13? I told you that you would need a map!
Did you lose track of where Paul and Barnabas were with all the criss-crossing back and forth? You’re not alone.
I always get confused. Again, take a look at the Biblical maps in the back of your Bible. There’s usually always at least one showing Paul’s first, second and third missionary trips.
Images help too. Next year when we read the Old Testament, you’ll probably need a good image of the Tabernacle. Sometimes I listen to the Biblical text while I’m looking at the image. I really help. Same goes for Ezekiel. I also have to be looking at a picture of those creatures! Back to the map….
You can also Google Paul’s first missionary journey. It really does help. The names of the towns are so unfamiliar to most of us, that they all sound the same and we lose track…is this a new town or one they’re just revisiting?
Let me know if you consult a map and whether or not it helps.
What other maps are there in your Bible? What other study helps? Have you discovered you concordance yet? Let me know in the comments below.
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