As I told you a couple of weeks ago, I am reading a book called This Too Shall Last. I have to admit that I struggle with her writing and reading style. She uses so many adjectives that it’s a distraction to me. So much so that by the time I’ve imagined in my mind what she is describing, I’ve missed her next point. Literally, every sentence requires effort for me to process. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t take away from the message, it’s just that, for me, it requires effort.
As I was driving to work, I was listening to this book on Audible and it occurred to me that Paul’s writing – especially in Romans – is much the same way. And I don’t want you to be put off by that. I encourage you to do whatever it takes – listen to the podcast audio again, re-read a passage, read a commentary – to understand what he’s trying to say. Pray that God will give you understanding. And He will.
Christ Alone
Paul is telling us that success in our life with Christ is not based on what we do. It’s about Christ and His atoning sacrifice on the cross. Christ alone.
The Law is perfect and therefore reveals sin. We cannot live up to the Law; we will always fail. Knowing that, God made a plan of redemption for us. Jesus Christ stepped into the picture to live a sinless life in a human body. He is the only human body to ever have done that. Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He fulfilled the requirements of God’s perfect Law by living a sinless life.
How does that make you feel? Let me know in the Comments below.
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