I spent the morning with our church Treasurer, Shirley, as I have been for several weeks. I have known this woman for many years. She and her late husband have been pillars in our small community forever and owned the only general store we had in DP before they retired. I think I fell in love with them both when they hired my youngest daughter. They instilled in her good work habits that she still refers to today. They generously awarded her a scholarship for the UC where she attended. That meant a lot to me as a mom and it’s a joy to be able to work now with her as Assistant Treasurer.
We are abundantly blessed at our church. Just about the time we’re wondering what our church would do without a certain person in a certain position, that person has to leave and the sister or brother who fills the empty place is obviously planted there by God. As we all know, the church secretary is the cog that makes our church wheel go ‘round. And we have been blessed not with one, but three over the years that I’ve been there. Likewise, three dedicated couples have blessed the youth of our community, shepherding them as God grows them into Godly adults.
Heck, even our Head of Facilities, our leader of the Food Ministry, and our excellent Head Deacon. They are all men of integrity and faithfulness. Myriad individuals step forward to get a job done. They consent to serving on the Board, they come together to make Vacation Bible School happen, and are always lining up to support the latest fund-raising event. And this group of country Baptists do it with style. No grumbling, no complaining, but high energy and no holds barred.
I have to admit, I could easily fill a page singing the praises of my little church family. I had heard that term before but prior to 2003, I didn’t really know what it was, or at least I hadn’t experienced it. I’m sure that had as much to do with me as anything. Maybe my previous churches were great church families too…maybe I just wasn’t ready to be part of one. But when God planted Mitch and I at Lake Don Pedro Baptist, He started a work in both of us that is still growing strong.
I would love to hear about your church family too, at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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