My daughter, Megan, and I lived our own personal National Geographic event! There is a trail along Highway 1 adjacent to the California coast just north of San Simeon. This is where the Elephant Seals land every year about this time, migrating from various places in the Northern Pacific. It is one of those wonderful things of God’s creation that is both predictable and amazing.
We traversed this half-mile trail back and forth, spotting the mamas and the mamas-to-be; the weaners and the super-weaners. But nothing was more impressive than the bull elephant seals, vying to be dominate. At first glance, they just looked like 16 feet and 2 ½ tons of blubber, exhausted and still from their long journey.
Then…they started to wake up.
The first one just looked like he was stretching. He reared up and curled his head way back. But then it became immediately apparent from the low guttural growl that this was a throw-down. And at first, none responded. Then the challenger started ever-so-slowly to approach his chosen opponent. Still no response. And then, he got too close.
As fast as 5000 pounds can whip around – which is faster than you might think – he did and it was on. Suddenly, five tons of mad were circling each other; growling, and baring teeth. And those teeth are nothing you want to be in the way of. The then-current dominate was the first to strike a blow. Then the challenger. Then wrestling and several more simultaneous hits. It was awful. But we were mesmerized.
Only God Knows
Then the Big Daddy started to back away, making it look like he was retreating. Then we realized he was drawing the challenger into the water. This battle may have started on sand, but it would end in the sea.
And then they were gone. Disappeared under the waves.
We continued scanning the horizon for an hour, until the cold started biting into our fingers and toes. But nothing. Only God knows where they came back up and who the victor was. But wow! What a front row seat we had. Incredible.
Have you ever read Job 12:7-10?
But ask the animals, and they will instruct you;
ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you.
Or speak to the earth, and it will instruct you;
let the fish of the sea inform you.
Which of all of these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?
The life of every living thing is in his hand,
as well as the breath of all humanity.
It is a thrill to watch His creation in action and know that He is God. Tell me if you agree at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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