I can’t help it. The last chapter in 2 Thessalonians makes me laugh. Not the substance of the warnings against idleness, but Paul’s plain language. Although when I think about the implications of what he is saying, it sobers me up kinda quickly.
We know from myriad other Scriptures that we are to be kind and generous, especially to brothers and sisters in Christ. And yet here, Paul says to avoid those who are more interested in being busy-bodies rather than just busy. He actually, said, “Hey, you don’t work, you don’t eat!” It almost sounds contradictory, doesn’t it?
But we know that the Word of God does not contradict, it is inerrant. So, what should we draw from this? If I may, it sounds like we need God’s discernment, and I would suggest that we pray for each other in that way. There are times when the response of ‘no’ is the best answer to a request. To continue to feed someone who is able to feed himself or herself encourages laziness. And it certainly robs that brother or sister the blessing of producing enough to share.
Yet at the same time, we must go forward with humility because God’s wisdom and love must be liberally applied when admonishing a brother or sister. And let’s make sure we don’t have a log in our own eye before we point out the speck in our brother’s or sister’s eye.
One More Down
And this chapter marks one more down. As you know, there are 260 chapters in the New Testament and 27 books. At a chapter a day, this 190th episode of the podcast puts us way over halfway in chapters. Now, finally, we can say that we are over halfway in books too. 2 Thessalonians is the 14th book in the New Testament. Yay!
Laura from Oklahoma told me she is keeping up, so two thumbs way up to you, Laura! Let me know how you’re doing at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, so I can give you a shout-out too!
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