Would you mind doing me a favor? Read 2 Peter in the NIV – the New International Version. Look, you know that I like the Christian Standard Bible translation. Heck, I wouldn’t have chosen it for this podcast, and I wouldn’t use it with kids if I didn’t. It’s a great balance between dependable translation from the ancient languages and readability.
That said, I have been troubled from time to time that the meaning of the text isn’t more clear in the CSB. And it has never been more apparent than in Second Peter. (Well…Romans was tough too.) Second Peter is very powerful. I remember when I was memorizing it that it gave me clarity the likes of which I had never known. But I memorized the Peter letters in the NIV, not the CSB. I almost always memorize in the NIV because it’s very conversational and helps me remember concepts that I can share and discuss with others.
I bring this up because it’s important that we understand what we’re reading. Understanding these passages is empowering and gives clear-cut direction for our next steps. It also helps us to teach, and even correct if the situations calls for it. We can’t let mis-interpretation of the Scriptures to stand. And finally, knowing Scripture even generates a little righteous anger at those who scoff at the words of God Almighty.
I May Be Biased
Now, it’s not lost on me that the process of memorization may have left me…biased. As I’ve said before, I memorize by repetition. Some of these verses I have said over and over and over out loud. Maybe it’s not the translation…maybe it is what I’m familiar with.
So, would you compare the two translations of Second Peter in the CSB and then the NIV? I would love to hear your impressions at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. And hey! Look at you! You’re finishing another book today on the podcast. Excellent work!
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