I received the best email today from a dear sister in Christ. What a praise! She said we could share it and this is how it reads:
I want to thank my church family for your prayers and support on this journey. God is good!
The pathology report came in negative on all fronts….A very good report! Lymph nodes are clear and lesion removal came out with clear edges. Most interesting….”biopsy site changes are present”. This phrase is repeated 3 times in this report. No radiation treatment is recommended. (I had opted out anyway.)
Pathologic Stage Classification: pT1c snpN0……… When I looked this up, clinical jargon, when interpreted, represents a lesion smaller at extraction compared to biopsy. Less than stage one!
I knew something was up when they had to take me into imaging 3 times….pre-op.
God is good and faithful! I am blessed beyond my worth to have come through this as easily as I have. The hand of the Lord was in this all the way. The journey is not over, yet to come are the blessed years of staying cancer free. I pray His will be done for He knows better than I.
We must always rejoice in His name, count our blessings and give Him the Glory!
I had delivered today, a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my church family! Thank You! Another first for me, I have never had flowers delivered to my home before…….special!
Please share this note with others and give Glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Your Sister in Christ.
And we, at Lake Don Pedro Baptist Church, are lifting our voices in praise to our Lord, for this most wonderful blessing!
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