The prayer team at our church is called the BATT Team. BATT stands for Boldly Approaching The Throne, referencing Hebrews 4:16 which says, in full, Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need. Prayer requests go out both by phone and by email and most of us drop everything when a request comes through so that our voices are raising to heaven in one accord to God. We are blessed to the have a devoted and Godly woman named Karin heading up this ministry.
I have probably read and prayed over hundreds of her emailed prayer requests over the years. But a phrase she literally uses all the time leaped out at me from the screen a few days ago as if it were the first time I had ever seen it. Karin will often type, “… and we are trusting God for the outcome…”
I’m often embarrassed by the revelations God gives me because I almost always think I should have seen them before, earlier, quicker…whatever. Think about this phrase. Do we trust God with the outcome? What if His outcome isn’t what we prayed for? Is that hard or easy?
Regardless of My Situation
Don’t get me wrong, these questions are not directed at Karin. I know her to be a mighty prayer warrior and her trust in Him is implicit. Those questions were directly convicting my heart. Do I trust Him? With all my outcomes? I pray that I do. I pray that if it is ever me in the hospital bed with the terminal diagnosis, that I will be singing His praises as enthusiastically as Paul and Silas in that dungeon. Lord, please help me to be a joyful witness to Your trustworthiness, regardless of my situation or Your chosen outcome. Help me where I fall short.
Anybody want to chime in on this one? As always, you can find me at Lifting Her, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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