Do you remember the book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten? Luke chapter 17 reminds me of that book – if not the book, then the title. Jesus goes over what we already know we should be doing.
We should forgive without tiring or becoming resentful. Over and over, Jesus has forgiven me, many times for the same transgression. I wonder why I think that my forgiveness for others should only go so far. Why do I think that forgiveness – especially repeated forgiveness – should come along with a sermonette or admonishment? Why am I so easily offended by someone else’s sin and yet so easily justify my own?
And then, why is it so difficult for me to think of myself as a servant? Is that demeaning? I mean, I am indeed a servant of the Most High God and should be clothed in the humility that goes with that. Even Jesus said that He came to serve and not be served…we can learn from that.
And finally, gratitude is certainly something we already know we should show, especially to Jesus for the sacrifice He made for us. Jesus is not a genie a bottle. We don’t just give him a rub when we need something, and expect him to grant our every wish. He is the God of the universe and we should be grateful every day, regardless of what comes from His hand, because we can trust that what comes from His hand is good.
Would you do something for me? I’m curious to know if reading the Bible everyday helps your hope quotient. Do you know what I mean by that? Let me explain. It seems like the condition of our world – especially in the last couple of months – weighs heavy on a person and could cause him or her to have hopeless thoughts. What I want to know is this: Do you think reading the Bible systematically every day, getting to know Christ, knowing there is life beyond this one, and developing a mindset that is not like that of this world, gives you hope?
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