After reflecting on becoming a Baptist yesterday, I laughed out loud when I remembered there was a fourth church I’d attended over my life…the very first one. And it was a Baptist church! Hilarious! ‘Course I was too young to really understand doctrine, but I’ll tell you what I wasn’t too young to get…Jesus loves me. I loved going to Sunday school. I wasn’t saved there, but I fell in love with Jesus there and learned that the Bible is the place to go for truth. I still have the black, bonded leather, zippered KJV Bible I earned by standing in front of the children’s church and reciting all 66 books of the Bible. I never read that Bible, you understand, but I still have it. That was over 50 years ago. Nearly a lifetime went by before I started reading the Bible cover to cover every year. But it’s never too late, right?!
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