October is well underway, which means it is almost time to put away the kayaks and get out the holiday decorations. Of course, at our local Costco the holiday decorations have been out for over a month. It seems like the spending frenzy begins earlier every year.
My husband and I were in Costco together a few weeks ago and took a trip down the holiday aisle. There, standing proudly at the end of the aisle, was a 12-foot Christmas tree, sparkling from the light of 4,430 LED lights. I took hold of one of the branches and discovered it was made from some sort of rubbery substance. The cost? A mere $900…
Memories Are Better
We both agreed that we would continue to make do with the much-less expensive tree we purchased several years ago from Sam’s Club. After all, more important to us than the tree itself are the decorations we hang on the tree every year; a vast, eclectic ensemble of ornaments collected over many years of marriage and raising kids. You know, the Lifesaver-and-yarn-doll ornament one of the kids made…or was that my mother? The little cork horse that has been glued back together… more than once; the many ornaments large and small purchased in cities both here and abroad…
At the end of the day, the memories sparked by these little baubles mean far more to us than that $900 Christmas tree ever could. It’s not even a fair contest.
I do love the holidays, and because of the difficult year 2020 has proven so far to be, it is my hope that this holiday season will give us the rest, reflection and family time we all so desperately need.
With Christ right in the center.
What about you? Are you looking forward to the holidays? Share one of your anticipations with me at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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