We’ve all heard the saying that the best things in life are free.
Many years ago, Mitch’s grandmother passed away and we were at a family gathering at her home. There was a simple little wind chime hanging in a tree in her backyard, with a cast iron top and copper tubes. It probably cost her a few dollars from an import store. Mitch asked if he could have it to remember her by.

We have purchased myriad wind chimes since then. Some are fancy affairs that have brushed aluminum tubes several feet long and are so loud they have to be tied up in a storm. Others are tuned to specific tonal chords that sound quite melodious when they chime.
But there is none that warms our hearts as much as the simple tinkling sound made by Granny’s wind chime in a gentle breeze. The copper has turned green from years of oxidation, and it has been restrung many times. It hangs outside our bedroom and often lulls us to sleep.
The gift we have in Christ Jesus is also free…and it is the greatest prize of all. Isn’t it amazing? God loves us so much He has given His only-begotten Son, this precious pearl who promises eternity with Him. If you have not yet accepted this free gift, I pray that you will do it soon.
I would be honored if you would share that news with me at Lifting Her Voice.com, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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