I cannot read the book of Ephesians without thinking about my friend, Cindy Grabowski. She is brave and strong and a devoted mom to five grown and nearly-grown Godly children. We have done children’s ministry together…braving church camp and singing and dancing at Vacation Bible School. She and her husband, DavidMark, are pastoring their own church now several towns over and I still miss them.
Cindy is one of those quiet people who does what she does and has no idea the impact she has on those around her. She’s a devout studier of the Word of God and she introduced me to the importance of memorizing Scripture.
Now, several years ago, our church did a Beth Moore study on James and that study encouraged the participants to memorize the whole book of James. And several did! At that time though, I thought it was impossible and I didn’t even try.
Then several years later, Cindy memorized the book of Ephesians. She has since gone on to memorize several more. Because of that, I was inspired to try her method and memorize both 1 & 2 Peter. And here’s the deal: when you start out by creating an outline and grouping subjects together and then go thru the long process of stacking one memorized verse onto the previous one, you are left with an intimate knowledge – dare I say, relationship – with the book. You just can’t imagine the impact.
Now, I’ve told you before, I have the retention of a gnat. And unless you’re repeating the whole book every single day, it will fade from memory. It certainly did with me. I could not today recite either book to you. But the impact – the affection – remains.
I found a way to memorize that works for me and if you’d like to have a copy of the process, PM me at Lifting Her Voice.com, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Admittedly, it’s much easier than the one Cindy taught me, but the result is the same. I encourage you to try it. If you need to start with a passage or a chapter, great, do that. Psalm 119:11 tells us, I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you. Most translations say ‘hide’ or ‘hidden’. Hide His Word in your heart today.
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