Wow! You guys are lovin’ the new inspirational posters on Facebook and Instagram! Believe me, this first one won’t be the last. And keep your eyes peeled…they’ll soon be on Pinterest too!
I know you remember that Romans 13:7 tells us, in part, that we are to give honor to whom honor is due, and it is time to do that here.
I have a new Creative Assistant! (That’s a good title, right?) Her name is Veronica and if her willingness to take on new projects, her creativity, and her work ethic is representative of her peers, we have nothing to worry about in the next generation.

It’s been a privilege to know Veronica and her family since she was in the second grade. She is smart, sweet, and beautiful – one of God’s masterpieces. I watched her grow as we experienced Africa together and now we’ll all watch together as she takes this next step. She is a content creator in the making!
So I will continue to write scripts, record and upload the podcast to social media while she interjects visual beauty of selected scripture every week. She has total content liberty and I have been blessed by the Scriptures she has chosen. How about you?
Thank you so much for the likes and comments. I know that is encouraging to her. You can always show her support at Lifting Her Voice, at Facebook, at Instagram, or Twitter. And soon on Pinterest! Look for the new link coming soon!
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