A couple of days ago, Mitch said, “Hey, on the subject of gratitude, why don’t you look at your gratitude journal and share a few stories?” Now, my habit is to leave my gratitude journal open on the counter. That way, I’m reminded regularly to add to it. But I gotta tell you, I had no idea that Mitch noticed. I’m certainly surprised that he’s read some of it!
But he was right. The exercise of revisiting my list uplifting. Some treasured memories came vividly to mind. Number 24 says this: The soul-satisfying worship that comes when I sing It Is Well With My Soul. That one I remember well. It was 2013. Mitch, Hans, Susie, and I were at the Benedictine Monastery located high in the Lushoto mountains of Tanzania, Africa.
It was early on a crisp morning, and Susie and I walked to the chapel, which was empty. We sat quietly, allowing God’s presence to settle over us. I think Susie asked me what my favorite hymn is and we started singing It Is Well with My Soul. Now, please understand, I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. But somehow, when I sing with Susie, beauty comes out. The echo of our voices in praise in that place, is a memory for which I will always and forever be grateful.
This particular list has not reached 1000 yet, but now I am re-energized to habitually write down my many blessings. His extravagant provision is so much more than I deserve. Do you keep a gratitude journal? Let me know at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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