I am very excited today! First, I’ll tell you a sad part of a story. But – spoiler alert – it has a happy ending.
We didn’t get to take kids to church camp this summer. I don’t have to tell you why…it’s a familiar lament told ‘round the world in 2020. I’m not sure any of us knew how to act because my little church has been taking a boatload of kids to camp for, like, 35 years. The same camp, which itself is over sixty years old.
Worse than our kids missing the season, was that the camp missed a whole season. It was financially devastating for them and our precious camp was put up for sale. None of us could imagine it. One of the couples that goes to our church even got married at that camp! It’s that much a part of our church DNA.
The Happy Ending
Now, I’m a grownup and I know that we would have found a replacement camp and we would have grown to love that one too. But that didn’t keep me from being sad in the moment.
Now the happy ending. I received a forwarded email from our church secretary from the camp program we usually participate with. The headline to the email was that there was a new camp “near” us that turned out to be in another state.
Probably not gonna happen.
The Tradition Lives
But in smaller print at the bottom of the email was written that they still had dates at our camp – the one that was being sold!
I immediately got in touch with the program director and he confirmed that it looks like there might be a buyer for our camp and planning is going forward in that vain.
Yay! The tradition lives! Ask me now if I immediately logged on and reserved our spots….
What about your church? Were you sad that church camp was cancelled? What did you do instead? Let me know in the comments below.
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