I’ve learned so much from teaching kids in children’s ministries. I’ve learned a lot out being simple and sincere. It was in Vacation Bible School that I learned the ABCs of Salvation.
At VBS, we spend all week telling kids stories from the Bible that introduce them to the story of Jesus and how His sacrificial death saved us from the judgement of God, which is death.
When a child – or an adult – feels the tug of the Holy Spirit on their own spirit, we use the ABCs as a framework to respond to that leading. You’ve probably heard them before:
A: Admit that you are a sinner and repent. Repent means to turn around or to change direction. We turn away from our sin and turn towards God.
B: Believe that Jesus is God’s Son and receive His gift of forgiveness from sin.
C: Confess to God, and other people, that Jesus is your savior and that He is the Lord of your life.
By accident, I just found an article pointing out that the ABCs are not the Gospel. And that’s true! They are a response to the Gospel. I’ll put the link to that article in the show notes.
Tomorrow, I’ll share with you a tool developed by Lifeway for actually telling the Gospel, whether it be to kids…or adults.
Let me know in the comments below or on the comment page at Lifting Her Voice if you’ve ever used the ABCs to help bring someone to Christ.
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