The next three days will be interesting on the podcast and a little different. Each of the next three books is made up only of one chapter. So, let’s dive into the second letter of John.
You’ll notice right off that 2 John parallels some of what John talked about in his first letter. John is consistently on his guard with Gnostism and other false teachers. Heresy is a funny thing. That’s funny weird, not funny ha-ha. talks about how when the Gospel was being spread, preachers would travel and stay in the homes of believers. (Hmmm…not so different from today.) But false teachers did the same thing. It is suggested that John had stayed in the home of a lady and her children from a local church. When he later writes this letter, he warns her (and the other readers of this letter) to be careful who they listen to.
Of course, this is an excellent warning for us today as well. And an admonition – yes, I’m going to repeat myself – that we must know what the Word says in order to discern truth.
This should be a book of immediate impressions. Let me know what yours are at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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