We live in one of only two little counties in California that are Yellow. That’s California Covid speak for minimal spread. That’s good! However, we are surrounded on three sides by Purple counties. Purple means the risk level is widespread. That’s not good. We are having serious talks in our church family about voluntarily going back to at-home church for a while. We care very much for each other and must think of the more infirm in our church family.
I would be lying if I told you I’m not sad though. The kids’ department is just starting to gain some momentum again. Families are just starting to come back for some much needed communion. But how can we overlook the health and welfare of each other? It’s a difficult decision. And this on the cusp of the holidays.
Gathered or Scattered
What will the holidays be like without so much hustle and bustle? Will we shop more online? Will we bake smaller turkeys or cook for fewer? What will our Candlelight Christmas Eve service look like if we’re not gathering together? Will we carol this year? What will Christmas morning look like? The same or different? Can we learn something in the quieter; in the less frantic?
My dear friend, Susie, reminded me of a truth this week, however. Whether the Church gathered or the Church scattered, we are still the Church. So, regardless of our proximity this holiday season, God is still in control. We are called to be His hands and feet. Let’s continue to care for our neighbor, check on them, serve them with Christ’s love. James 1:27 says, Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
What’s happening in your county? How is your church responding? Share your thoughts with me at Lifting Her Voice, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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