We haven’t talked too much about the two criminals who were crucified on either side of Jesus. But as I read Luke 23, my mind started to imagine the scene. It made me think about the nature of sin and evil. Some people really do have evil intent. It is intentional and self-serving. There are others who allow themselves to be swept along by evil, presumably because they have no other strong convictions. Those are the things you and I can see.
Beyond what we see is what Jesus sees, the heart. Take those two criminals: Their individual guilt was equal – they had sinned and they were getting their just desserts. However, their equal-ness seems to end there, doesn’t it? The one offender doesn’t really seem to care one way or the other about who Jesus is. But if Jesus does have super-powers, this guy wants Him to use them so he can escape this punishment. Self-serving.
The other man had a different attitude. He had been watching Jesus…how He handled Himself as He was being unjustly crucified, praying for those who mocked Him. The thief defended Jesus to his partner without regard to his own destiny; confessing he was getting what he deserved. Repentant.
And it was because of his repentant heart that Jesus took notice and promised him a place in God’s Kingdom.
The countless times my heart has been rebellious and selfish leaps to mind. I’m so sorry for those times and I pray for forgiveness. I pray that all of us who claim Jesus would have the humility of a repentant heart.
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