What occurs to me over and over when reading the last chapter of the book of Luke, is how people were repeatedly startled by out-of-this-world moments. Let’s count the ways:
Angels appear to an unsuspecting group of women – just imagine that for a minute.
And then Peter’s amazement when he stepped inside the tomb…sheets but no body.
And how about the 7-mile walk Cleopas and his fellow disciple took with the risen-but-unrecognized Jesus? He broke that bread and suddenly the switch flipped on! “Weren’t our hearts burning within us…?”
Then He appeared to Peter and then to the whole group! They had watched Him die and then there He was. I believe John will tell us that the doors were locked!
And if all that weren’t enough, they stood and watched Him ascend into the sky. Humans don’t fly, but there they were watching Him rise.
I hope I never stop being amazed by Jesus.
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