I read Proverbs 17:23 the other day. It goes like this: “The wicked accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the ways of justice.” It gave me pause. What immediately came to my mind was the awful current events that we are seeing and hearing about on our news streams and TVs right now. The proverb confirms my belief that the cacophony of violence is actually drowning out the more important conversation. I do not believe for a moment that the violence being perpetrated against people and property is being carried out by the black community. Quite the opposite. These are actions by evildoers in support of the status quo. This is not the time for huffing and puffing and pontificating. This is the time to stand with our black brothers and sisters, to be frugal with our words and generous with our listening. That’s what Christian brothers and sisters do. Let’s take our feelings of disgust and do what we can on a local level to make sure our local police officers are deserving of the trust we all had as kids regarding grown-ups with badges. And as we watch TV and see this destruction, beware of the wicked who accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the ways of justice.
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